Wildlander Website.

The website for my flagship game design project, Wildlander. The website is our primary converter, and receives approximately two-thousand unique visitors a week.


The Wildlander website was another collaboration between myself and designer extraordinaire Tyler Weitz. We designed the site to reflect Wildlander's modern-yet-mysterious feel—with a dark and mystical palette, and breadcrumby copy that entices without revealing too much. The website is the first real opportunity for players to connect with our brand, and we aimed to deliver on those first impressions.

Challenges and Goals

The Wildlander site has four primary tasks:

• First, the website should convert potential users. Most of the site visitors are potentials who discovered the project through our marketing, so the design needs to wow them from the outset, and convince them to convert.

• Second, the website should clearly and concisely explain Wildlander's installation instructions—lest players bounce off before even experiencing the game. Wildlander is more complex to install than other software, so users need to be carefully guided through the process.

• Third, the website should connect users to the community and community resources, such as our News Page, Wiki, and Development Roadmap. Users who engage with these resources have provably higher rates of both retention and contribution to the project.

• Finally, the website should route users to the project crowdfunding tools. Wildlander is funded by user donations, and every contribution helps sustain development.

Click here to visit the Wildlander website.